Family Programs

LMI’s Family Programs enable you to align your personal and professional aspirations without sacrificing one over the other. With our five programs, you will discover that when one aspect is flourishing, the other will follow. Our programs empower you and your family to attain the measurable growth of careers, finances and personal relationships.

Our Family Programs may be a great way for you to achieve your current goals. The most important aspect of any of our programs is you; your level of engagement and participation will go a long way in determining your success.

Popular Courses in Family & Personal Development

Attitude is Everything TM !

Attitude is Everything - Develop Positive Attitude

Attitude is everything TM ! In fact, one of his guiding maxims is that, "self-confidence can be gained only through practical know-how, know-how comes from experience, and experience comes from a willingness to confront obstacles and situations that others fear." Will teach you the power of positive expectancy, the difference between winners and losers, and provide you with all the tools to forming a winning and determined attitude.

Building Financial Success

Building Financial Success - A course for Ensuring Your Financial Future

Designed with ten core lessons geared to balance your self-image and money building consciousness. Develop an action plan, managing cashflow, and leveraging untapped profitable opportunities. You and your family will discover the fundamentals to successful, and calculated risk taking while discovering new, unlimited resources of opportunities.

Successful Parenting

Successful Parenting - Design a Personalized Approach to Filling Your Role as Parent

Success of every aspect of life, including parenting, rests on how well you set goals and devise plans for achieving them. Successful Parenting program shows you and your family how to set and achieve goals as one nuclear unit. The program will lead you through the foundations of successful parenting, setting family goals, and communicating and growing with your children.

Achieving Academic Success

Learn how to achieve academic success

Education and knowledge are, and always will be, the cornerstones of success. Achieving Academic Success program will teach you how to enjoy tomorrow’s success today by helping you tap into time and motivation to develop effective study habits that set you along a path to achieving your goals.

The Making of a Champion

The Making Of A Champion - A Program for High Performance Living

This program's initial objectives are to discover your individual sources for motivation, realize your true abilities and then invigorate your personal goals and dreams. Implement proven practices for determination, discover how you can adopt high performance living, and demonstrate unwavering determination.

Unsure which program is right for you? We offer a FREE leadership assessment to match you with the right program.

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