Effective Motivational Leadership®

Program Outline

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People aren’t motivated to follow other people by the archaic notion of hierarchies, which is why the development of truly exceptional leaders who can effortlessly motivate others to follow them is of utmost importance. Great leaders are respected, revered, and admired, and people follow them because they want to, not because an organization chart says they have to.

To begin we will utilize our psychological assessment.  The Profile Evaluation System (PES) is an exceptional tool that characterizes individuals on a number of psychological traits that are important for job performance.  Discover more about the PES and how it can help your organization.

Leaders aren’t just leaders, they are visionaries and communicators who are equally as capable of leading groups of people down a broad path or an individual along a narrow, personal path. Whatever your specific area of need, LMI’s Effective Motivational Leadership program will help you and your employees understand what it takes to be a great leader and not only create winning teams that forge ahead into the volatile business environment of the 21st century, but also foster an organization full of leaders on every level.

LMI’s multi-phase Effective Motivational Leadership program is designed to help leaders communicate and motivate like visionary legends Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

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How do you benefit?

Effective Motivation

Helps you understand the responsibilities of leadership and its core values.

Understand how a positive self-image will help your success

Change your attitude towards the courage.

Vision Matters

Learn the need for a clear vision.

Understand the importance in committing to a shared vision.

Support these visions with accurate, effective communications.

Experience the powers of persuasion and the rewards of successful communication.

Motivational Methods

Get an insight into human behavior and the process of motivation.

Learn the basic human drives and desires, including physical needs, security needs and the need for self-esteem.

Understand why motivation in the 21st century is different.

Productive Teams

Recognize what makes a successful team and how you can strengthen through recruiting winners.

Learn new techniques to build collaboration and seven steps to resolve conflict within teams.

Be an effective leader that others want to follow.

Developing People

Develop your team as individuals.

Get more from them through personal growth.

Understand the coaching processes in more detail.

Learn to train colleagues and improve results.

Empower Now

Diagnose the sources of authority and power and make the most of your position.

Share power with team members and delegate effectively.

Find out how to overcome obstacles to empowerment.

Leading Change

Learn to overcome resistance to change.

Understand the importance of innovation

Become a leading innovator in your organization.

Future Leader

Focus on the demands and rewards of leadership.

Understand how to lead your organization into the future

Learn to effectively motivate and inspire those around you

Unsure which program is right for you? We offer a FREE personal assessment to match you with the right program.

FREE Leadership Assessment